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Policy Matters Ohio

Ohio should address needs of low-wage working families, lawmakers told

March 19, 2015

Ohio should address needs of low-wage working families, lawmakers told

March 19, 2015

Childcare assistance, food aid and Medicaid are essential to help families struggling in Ohio's economy.


Screen Shot 2015-03-19 at 10.36.53 AMIn testimony yesterday, Wendy Patton, Policy Matters Ohio senior project director, urged Ohio lawmakers to support programs that help low-wage working families make ends meet.

Patton told members of the House Finance Subcommittee on Health and Human Services that the Ohio economy is not producing enough jobs to allow many families to be self-sufficient. She asked lawmakers to expand food aid and eligibility for childcare assistance, and reject monthly Medicaid premiums proposed by Gov. John Kasich. Read Patton's testimony here.

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