Posted on 08/16/24 by Ben Stein (he/him)
Here are some of the bills we’re tracking as they move through the statehouse. Unless otherwise noted, the best action you can take is to call or email your state legislators and tell them to support, oppose, or amend these bills.
*The most recently updated items are listed first. This list was updated on Friday, August 16, 2024.*
HB 386: This bill would phase out Ohio's income tax and eliminate the Commercial Activities Tax. It would force across-the-board cuts to programs and services Ohioans depend on, including $200 million annually from local governments (likely to drive up local taxes) and another $200 million from public libraries. It is a textbook example of how "tax extremism is a gift to the wealthy." We strongly oppose this bill.
SB 271 / HB 645: These bills would create a property tax circuit breaker, to prevent some Ohio homeowners and renters from spending too large a share of their income on property taxes. The legislation is based on one of our proposals. We strongly support these bills and urge the legislature to pass them. Our recent testimony explains why.
SB 256: This bill would (a) improve the state Earned Income Tax Credit by adding refundable options, and (b) raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour for some employees — but not tipped workers — by January 2026. We support some elements and recommend changing others. For details, read our testimony on the minimum wage component, and testimony on the EITC component.
HB 570: This bill would make employees of child care centers eligible for publicly funded childcare. We support it, and would like to see eligibility expanded even more, to all families with income at or below 300% of the federal poverty level. (That’s $6,455 per month and $77,460 annually for a family of three.) Read our report on Ohio’s childcare crisis.
HB 197 / SB 247:These companion bills would create a pilot program for community solar in Ohio. Community solar projects reduce energy costs for participants while increasing the amount of clean energy available in the state. A pilot program is a start: We support this bill as a way to begin growing community solar resources in Ohio. Our testimony on HB 197 is available to read and to watch, courtesy of the Ohio Channel.
SB 37 / HB 29: These companion bills would change some of the rules about how the state uses driver’s license suspension as a punishment for certain offenses. SB 37 limits the use of suspensions for an array of offenses, whereas HB 29 only pertains to license suspension as a penalty for failure to pay child support. Neither bill goes far enough: SB 37 is better than HB 29; HB 29 is better than nothing.