Posted on 01/09/19 by Caitlin Johnson (she/her) in Basic Needs + Unemployment Insurance
President Trump’s shutdown has thrown millions of lives into chaos and uncertainty. He told the nation the shutdown could last months or even years. Right now, the media is mainly focused on the 800,000 federal workers who are furloughed or working without pay, including more than 7,000 here in Ohio. From rocket scientists at NASA to the hardworking people who clean federal buildings, federal workers are the victims of political gamesmanship. Through no fault of their own, their household budgets could take a major hit. But the shutdown’s consequences could go much further. Many crucial services that rely on federal... read more
Posted on 12/17/18 by Wendy Patton in Basic Needs + Unemployment Insurance
Legislators may dismantle Medicaid expansion shortly after Christmas
The lame duck session of the 132nd General Assembly may look like it’s winding down, but Republicans could roar back into town to dismantle Medicaid expansion. They have... read more
Posted on 09/26/18 by in Basic Needs + Unemployment Insurance
Weekend economists on talk radio sometimes praise the sanctity of the “free market.” But some markets work better when states get involved with them. A great example is the child care market.
Indulge me in a... read more
Posted on 05/08/18 by Victoria Jackson in Basic Needs + Unemployment Insurance
More than 1.4 million Ohioans in nearly 700,000 households rely on federal food assistance to get by. And with many of Ohio’s most-common jobs paying wages so low that a family of three would need... read more
Posted on 01/08/18 by Katie Fallon in Basic Needs + Unemployment Insurance
A recent announcement from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has paved the way for states to restrict their state Medicaid programs. CMS now allows states to make changes to certain aspects of... read more
Posted on 12/05/17 by Katie Fallon in Basic Needs + Unemployment Insurance
This year, Congress has repeatedly tried and failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicaid expansion. Despite these unsuccessful attempts, the Trump administration is taking new steps to restrict health care. Last week,... read more
Posted on 11/14/17 by Katie Fallon in Basic Needs + Unemployment Insurance
Halloween is over, but Congressional Republicans are still trying to disguise gutting health care as tax "reform." If you had concerns about the many repeal and replace health care bills that failed earlier this year,... read more
Posted on 11/01/17 by Katie Fallon in Basic Needs + Unemployment Insurance
Health care open enrollment begins November 1st, 2017. Despite a year of confusing attacks and changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it remains the law of the land. But, one of President Trump’s strategies... read more