January 2007 News from Policy Matters Ohio: Clean, Green, Smart, Sound
Posted January 20, 2007 in eNews
Cleaner and Greener – Ohio campuses could dramatically reduce energy use, save significant resources over the long term, and help invigorate a clean energy economy according to New Energy for Campuses: Energy Saving Policies for Campuses and Universities, written by the National Apollo Alliance and released by Policy Matters Ohio and Ohio Apollo. The study demonstrates that colleges and universities across North America are increasing their energy efficiency and realizing energy savings. Key reforms recommended include better building, clean power, transportation alternatives, green purchasing, and institutionalizing conservation. You’ll find the new report here.
Smart Decisions, Sound Investments – During times far less prosperous than today, Ohio’s citizens considered future needs, invested effort, time and scarce resources, and took a chance on a better tomorrow. Today we are better educated, more prosperous, and more successful because of that earlier leadership. As Governor-elect Ted Strickland and dozens of other newly-elected officials settle into their new offices, it is a good time to reflect on past accomplishments, consider current challenges, and resolve to make the choices needed to create an economy that works better for everyone in Ohio. Policy Matters Ohio has pulled together findings from research – its own and that of others – to make recommendations for how Ohio can create such an economy. Read the report here.
Not My Job – International trade still jettisons lots of Ohio manufacturing jobs, according to International Trade and Job Loss in Ohio 2007, a new report from Policy Matters Ohio. The federal Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program certified 13,432 Ohio workers in 2006, the highest annual total in the twelve years covered by the report. Over half of Ohio’s counties experienced trade-related job losses in the last several years. The report, available here, recommends that Congress improve the TAA program during the reauthorization process this year by fully funding it, removing restrictive program rules, and ensuring a thorough and fair process for investigating initial petitions for TAA coverage.
Gearing Down – Ohio’s job market has shifted into low gear and stayed there since last spring: The number of jobs in Ohio has fallen by 15,000 since its recent peak last May. Over the past year, the state has added a mere 3,700 jobs, a gain of less than one-tenth of one percent, according to seasonally adjusted payroll numbers for nonfarm wage and salary jobs. Read our JobWatch report here.
Like a fish needs a bicycle – Does a minimum wage increase require new business tax cuts? Not according to the Economic Policy Institute. Learn more here.
Test what you’ve learned from the Policy Matters e-news here –
1. Every dollar that Ohio invests now in universal preschool will save Ohio residents how much in the long term?
(Hint: the answer is on page 3 of An Economy That Works.)
2. How much does the University of Michigan expect to save annually because of energy efficient upgrades?
(Hint: the answer is on page 5 of New Energy for Campuses.)
3. Since 1995, how many Ohio counties have seen more than 1000 workers lose their jobs due to international trade??
(Hint: the answer is on page 13 of International Trade and Job Loss in Ohio.)
4. How many media mentions of Policy Matters’ work did we track in 2006? What the heck – we’ll tell you – more than 400!
That’s all!
The Policy Matters Ohio Team