What we love, what we don’t
Posted February 14, 2013 in eNews
Off balance – Gov. Kasich’s budget contained one thing we love: a proposal to help more poor working families qualify for health insurance and to let the federal government pick up most of the tab. What’s less lovable is a budget proposal that leaves local governments and school districts worse off than they were two years ago. We’ve got a handy new budget page that collects some of our initial budget thoughts: an analysis finding that the new tax plan would further tilt Ohio’s tax system in favor of the affluent; a statement on the budget itself; a set of recommendations for a budget that works, released in advance of the budget; and more. Bookmark our budget page, we’ll be updating it throughout the spring.
Get street smart – Ohio needs a 21st century transportation system made up not only of roads and highways but also a complete network of affordable, accessible, and environmentally-friendly transportation options. As part of a new statewide network, Policy Matters is calling on policymakers to increase the state’s investment in smarter options over the next several years. Oberlin’s city council passed a resolution supporting the proposal; others should support this effort too. Bike lanes and bus routes, they’re almost as good as chocolate hearts.