Work sharing: a win for Ohio
Posted July 16, 2013 in eNews
Work sharing lets employers reduce everyone’s hours instead of laying people off, if that makes sense to both the employer and the workers. Policy Matters worked closely with lead sponsor Rep. Mike Duffey to shepherd this innovative reform through the Ohio General Assembly.
It’s bad for workers and employers when a temporary downturn forces layoffs. Work sharing lets employers reduce everyone’s hours instead of laying people off, if that makes sense to both the employer and the workers. Thousands of Ohio workers would have avoided layoffs in 2009 had such a program existed here. That’s why House Bill 37, SharedWork Ohio, is a great example of what can be done when policymakers come together for the benefit of everyone – it’s a win for workers, employers and the economy. Policy Matters worked closely with lead sponsor Rep. Mike Duffey to shepherd this innovative reform through the Ohio General Assembly, which gave it final approval in June. Gov. John Kasich signed it last week.