Seeking Passion
Posted February 11, 2014 in eNews
In this week’s eNews: We are hiring, a map of free tax prep services around Ohio, too many households one crisis way from financial devastation, mixed marks for Ohio on long-term planning, Ohio’s weakening disclosure on economic development subsidies, and talking about ALEC.
We’re hiring – Help us find a dynamic, outgoing, passionate, dedicated development manager to carry out our fundraising plan, build our individual donor program, manage grants and help our executive director increase revenue. Responsibilities and requirements are on our website. Want to join a crew that wakes up every day ready to fight for a better economy? Here’s your chance.
Connect – This new interactive map of free tax preparation services around Ohio will help families connect to free assistance, avoid the unnecessary expense of paid tax preparers, and keep more of their tax refunds.
Too close – Despite an improving national economy, nearly half of Ohio households are one crisis away from financial devastation. A new study shows that the number of households with little or no savings to cover emergencies or build a better life has slightly increased from last year, and state policies are doing little to improve Ohioans’ financial security.
Just middlin’ – Ohio’s monthly tracking of budget and tax activity and our use of fiscal notes earned us good marks in a new analysis of state budget planning. Two components that lowered Ohio’s rating: the lack of tax expenditure review and forecasting long-term fiscal impact.
Show us – States should disclose where and how they are giving away economic development dollars. Ohio’s disclosure has gotten much worse according to a Business Journal story on a new report from subsidy watchdog Good Jobs First. Check out the Ohio appendix here.
The Wizard Behind the Curtain – Come hear Executive Director Amy Hanauer talk about the impact of the American Legislative Exchange Commission (ALEC) on state legislatures. Amy will be speaking this Friday, February 14, from 12:30 to 1:30 pm in the first floor lounge of Guilford House at Case Western Reserve University.