Senate should vote down Better Care Reconciliation Act: Caitlin Johnson (Opinion)
Posted July 16, 2017 in Op-Eds
This month, the U.S. Senate could vote on the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA). The legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) contains tax breaks for corporate interests and the nation's wealthiest, while addicts, the elderly and health care workers get the shaft. That's bad news for Ohio - especially Cuyahoga County - where the drug epidemic rages, our population ages and the health care industry helps keep our economy afloat.
The bill contains $700 billion in tax breaks - mostly for individuals making over $200,000 a year, and pharmaceutical, insurance and medical device companies. The BCRA pays for this largely by shifting Medicaid costs from the federal government to the states. Years of tax cuts depleted Ohio's coffers so it's unlikely the state can make up the difference. Cuyahoga County would be hit especially hard. Nearly 24 percent of our working age population is insured by Medicaid. The bill gradually ends Medicaid expansion, which covered 723,000 Ohioans living just above the poverty line -- or $27,821 for a family of three. Thirteen percent of Cuyahoga County's working age population get coverage through this program.
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