Think tanks outline a brighter future for all Ohioans
Posted May 16, 2018 in Press Releases
Policy Matters Ohio, Innovation Ohio Education Fund brief leaders on ‘A Winning Economic Agenda for Working Families’
COLUMBUS – Policy Matters Ohio and Innovation Ohio briefed advocates and local leaders on their recently released report, A Winning Economic Agenda for Ohio’s Working Families. The report, available here, outlines a variety of statewide policies aimed at building strong communities and maintaining the value and dignity of work.
“Ohio became a great state by investing in people and infrastructure,” said Amy Hanauer, Executive Director of Policy Matters. “This gave us strong high school graduation, world-class manufacturing, and a tenacious sense of the value of work. Instead of understanding and responding to today’s challenges, Ohio’s leaders have slashed taxes for the wealthy, depriving the state of resources that could fix economic challenges. A Winning Agenda will do much more to improve the lives of working families.”
With concrete solutions to raise wages and grow jobs, A Winning Agenda provides a workable blueprint for legislative and gubernatorial candidates to embrace in their campaigns and after they are elected. The chapters provide ideas to jumpstart the economy, increase economic opportunity, prepare for the jobs of the future, and ensure the state raises enough revenue to fund programs that make communities strong. Each section also contains links to deeper analysis that spell out how policymakers can execute the vision outlined in the report.
“Many working families feel a deep sense of anxiety,” said Keary McCarthy, President and CEO of IOEF. “Technology is changing our jobs and it’s becoming harder to earn a decent wage. As these forces shape our economy, we have a policy agenda that will prepare Ohio’s economy for the future and restore the value and dignity of work.”
Hanauer and McCarthy held their first briefing today with local leaders, advocates and candidates at the Audubon Center in Columbus. Additional briefings will be held acros Ohio throughout the summer. For more information, the report is available here.
Download 051618winningagendabriefingpr.pdf