Policy for the People
Posted April 17, 2021 in eNews
Saturday Stats
$4.9 billion: Annual amount directed to working people under our plan to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2026. It was tough to choose just one impressive number from Researcher Michael Shields’ latest report. That’s because a $15 minimum wage would have such enormous benefits for so many Ohioans that you really have to read it for yourself!
$380,000,000: Estimated cost of the 2% tax cut included in the state House’s 2022-23 budget proposal. And that might only be the half of it (literally!): Because funds from The American Rescue Plan Act may not be used to cover the cost of tax cuts, Ohio might also have to pay back that same amount to the federal government! In exchange, according to our new report, most Ohio taxpayers would on average see minimal reductions in their tax bill—except of course for the very wealthiest.
7: Demands made in the People’s Budget, the state budget plan we developed with our friends at Ohio Organizing Collaborative. In contrast to state budget proposals by Gov. DeWine and the state House, the People’s Budget calls on lawmakers to use our collective resources for (1) quality education, (2) safe communities, (3) economic dignity, (4) care for caregivers, (5) stability for families, (6) a working health care system and (7) funding our lives. Get all the details here—and check out a recording of our kickoff press call, with State Rep. Stephanie Howse, Portage County Treasurer Brad Cromes, and students, parents and other allies from around the state!
$5.6 billion, $5.4 billion: Federal funds the ARPA will send to Ohio’s state government and local governments, respectively. That may sound like a lot, but considering the damage done by state leaders’ poor judgement and trickle-down schemes of the last 15 years, it’s a drop in the bucket. Our budget team got together to describe how to make the most of these one-time funds.
5: Livestream events we have planned to take a closer look at the ways ARPA funds will impact you & your community. Join us Thursday, April, 22 at 11AM for a conversation with COHHIO and Shared Harvest Foodbank on how we can meet Ohioans’ basic needs with this historic investment. Tune in on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter. And if you can’t watch live, don’t worry; we’ll make a recording available ASAP!
12,700: Jobs added in Ohio over the past month, according to seasonally adjusted data from Ohio’s Department of Job & Family Services. That’s the topline number in our monthly JobWatch, from Michael Shields. That’s good news, but we have a long way to go. By the way, if you like JobWatch and want it sent directly to your inbox each month, email bstein@policymattersohio.org with the phrase “Subscribe to JobWatch” in the subject line.
$2 trillion (with a T!): Overall value of President Biden’s recent infrastructure proposal. Executive Director Hannah Halbert talked about how some of that money should be used in Appalachia to help expand broadband, train working people in skilled manufacturing jobs, and increase sustainable transportation options. Hannah’s comments were part of the Atlantic Council’s webinar on Reimagining Appalachia, a recording of which you can watch here. You could also read Forbes’ coverage of the event.
34: Recommendations included in Ohio’s Minority Health Strike Force blueprint. The blueprint was commissioned by Gov. DeWine, so you’d think he’d be eager to implement its recommendations. But, as Wendy Patton points out in this Q & A with Ready, Set, Soar Ohio, “The state budget is where lawmakers walk the talk.” Wendy’s piece focuses on Black maternal health, and the ways policymakers can choose to save the lives of Black mothers, often by making funding decisions based on the strike force’s recommendations.
Coming up:
Senior Researcher Piet van Lier will appear on a webinar with the Graduate! Network to discuss the #TranscriptTrap that’s hamstringing Ohio college students as they pursue their dreams of higher education. Tune in on Tuesday, April 20 at 1:00 pm. Learn more & register here.
Piet will also join the Ohio Children’s Budget Coalition for a livestream on Friday, April 23, to discuss this report on reforming the juvenile justice system. Time & other details are TBD; check the Children’s Budget Facebook page for more.
On April 24 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Wendy Patton and Kalitha Williams will host a training session with new partner, Action Tank: “Policing + The People: Understanding the Local Budget, Organizing for Local Needs.” Register here!
Senior Researcher Amanda Woodrum will join Policy Matters board member Dr. Roland Anglin and others for the University of Akron’s inaugural Ohio Economic Forum: Regaining Ohio’s Leadership in the US Economy. Tune in from 8:30 to 10:30 am on April 30th. Learn more & register here!