Start your summer with Saturday Stats
Posted May 29, 2021 in eNews
203%, 102%, 101%: That’s the amount state funding would increase for the Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District, the Middletown City District and Columbus City Schools if the General Assembly passes the Fair School Funding Plan. All kids deserve to go to a school with advanced classes, modern technology, great educators, arts programs and extracurricular activities. We can make that a reality by finally fixing Ohio’s unconstitutional school funding system. This week our coalition All in For Ohio Kids unveiled a powerful new data tool that shows how every Ohio school district is affected by the current funding system and how they would benefit from the Fair School Funding Plan. Look up your district and sign the petition for lawmakers to pass the Fair School Funding Plan!
300,000: Number of Ohio workers (and their families) who will lose the additional $300-a-week federal unemployment supplement on June 26. That's 10 weeks early, because Gov. Mike DeWine opted to stop accepting the federal support. It's cruel punishment for Ohioans just trying to get by, says Zach Shiller in his latest blog post. Zach also points out that Gov. DeWine's decision will cost Ohio businesses close to $1 billion in spending that will never happen.
290,800: Ohio had 290,800 fewer jobs last month than it did in February 2020, just before COVID-19 disrupted lives and the economy. That’s according to Michael Shields' JobWatch report. In light of DeWine’s decision, Michael said, “Ohio policymakers seem not to have learned that to heal our economy, government must step up on the side of people harmed by the COVID recession, not corporations.” You can hear Michael make a case for more action to support working people this Tuesday at 11 a.m. on WOSU’s All Sides with Ann Fisher.
40%: Congress could slash childhood poverty by 40% by passing President Biden’s American Families Plan. Biden visited Cleveland to promote that plan and the American Jobs Plan this week. In a statement, Caitlin Johnson urged federal lawmakers to embrace Biden’s plans and do more to make sure all Americans share in our nation’s prosperity, no exceptions.
4: In four days, on June 1, we expect the Senate to release its version of the state budget bill. That’s four more days to tell your lawmakers to pass a budget that cares for all of us by signing All in For Ohio’s People’s Budget petition.
4: Total number of trainings we’ll do on how to advocate for dignity for all and a People’s Budget. Register here to join the next session on June 21 at 1 p.m. Also, you can catch the last training here, and use this tool to make your voice heard by Senate leadership.
523,000: Number of jobs that could be created throughout Appalachia by the plan outlined in this report coauthored by Senior Researcher Amanda Woodrum for ReImagine Appalachia. The coalition held two events last week – a press conference and a webinar — to unveil the paper, titled Maximizing Value: Community and Labor Requirements for a Federal Appalachian Climate Infrastructure Plan.
5: Our five-part livestream series on the American Rescue Plan & You will conclude June 10 at 1 p.m. with a session focused on essential workers. Be sure to mark your calendar and join us then! Head over to our YouTube channel to catch this week’s episode about using ARP funds to support a People’s Budget. And here's last week’s livestream on how the ARP can make Ohioans healthier:
11: Number of videos we've posted in the last 30 days on our new YouTube channel, Policy Matters Now. Head over and click "Subscribe" to show your support and get updates on new releases!