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Policy Matters Ohio

Immigrants are a vital part of Ohio's future

December 02, 2024

Immigrants are a vital part of Ohio's future

December 02, 2024

Behind the statistics lie individual narratives of resilience, adaptation, and aspiration that shape the diversity of and strengthen Ohio.

Immigrant workers and business owners grow Ohio’s economy

580,000 immigrants reside in Ohio. Immigrants work in low-wage, middle-wage, and higher-wage jobs in sectors across our state’s economy.

  • 15% of Main Street business owners in Ohio are immigrants, operating storefront shops that help keep downtown areas vibrant.
  • 6% of Ohio workers are immigrants, including:
    • 8% of truck drivers.
    • 26% of software developers.
    • 12% of home health aides.

It turns out that immigrant workers and business owners generate $53 billion of economic output in Ohio. Immigrant contribution to GDP is about the same as immigrant share of the labor force.

Immigration increases opportunity for Ohio

When immigrants move to Ohio, the economy grows. That doesn’t mean fewer jobs, it means more jobs: there are more consumers, more workers, and more business owners. Study after study shows there is no fixed number of jobs in a state. Immigration creates opportunities that benefit U.S.-born workers too.

  • In 2000, immigrants made up 3% of the population in Ohio, 3% of workers, and 5% of business owners
  • In 2022, immigrants made up 5% of the Ohio population, 6% of workers, and 10% of business owners

As Ohioans age, we’ll need more workers

As our population ages, new immigrants help keep our economy growing at a sustainable rate. Immigrants help meet growing needs for health care, home care, and supportive services that are key for older Ohio residents to have a dignified retirement.

Some people try to scapegoat immigrants to keep us divided. We don’t have to fall for it.

Deporting millions of immigrants will hurt the economy and hurt Ohio workers. Scapegoating others is not the way forward. We know how to create a good economy for workers. It requires uniting around policy choices like investments in infrastructure, manufacturing, and our care economy with strong labor standards. Regardless of race or country of birth, we all do better when we unite for policies that grow jobs and wages.

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