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Policy Matters Ohio

Immigrants and the Economy: Contribution of Immigrant Workers to the Country's 25 Largest Metropolitan Areas

November 25, 2009

Immigrants and the Economy: Contribution of Immigrant Workers to the Country's 25 Largest Metropolitan Areas

November 25, 2009

In metropolitan areas around the country, immigrants are contributing to the economy in very close proportion to their share of the population, according to this report by the Fiscal Policy Institute. Their examination of the role of immigrants in the 25 largest metropolitan areas in the United States shows that immigrants in the Cincinnati and Cleveland metropolitan areas have higher labor force participation and higher total earnings per worker than in most of the other metro areas studied.

The report looks at all immigrants—documented and undocumented, ranging across the economic spectrum. In the 25 largest metropolitan areas combined—comprising more than half of the country’s Gross Domestic Product, and 66 percent of all immigrants—foreign-born workers are responsible for 20 percent of economic output and make up 20 percent of the population.

Press Release

Full Report


2009Piet van LierState of Working OhioWork & Wages

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