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Policy Matters Ohio

Foreclosure Growth in Ohio: A Brief Update

June 01, 2005

Foreclosure Growth in Ohio: A Brief Update

June 01, 2005

Foreclosures continued to rise in Ohio in 2004.

Policy Matters Ohio analyzes data from the Ohio Supreme Court in this June 2005 brief updating previous reports on the subject that provide more history and explanation (see links below). Overall, Ohio foreclosure filings rose 3 percent for a second year in a row, after years of larger increases. Growth in foreclosures has leveled off, but at an extremely high level; in 53 Ohio counties, the number of foreclosure filings has at least quadrupled over the past decade. Fifty of the state’s 88 counties saw increases in foreclosure filings in 2004. Previous Policy Matters reports have included data and analysis of sheriff sales, which this update does not.


2005Housing & ForeclosureZach Schiller

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