August 28, 2002
August 28, 2002
Cellblocks or Classrooms, an August 2002 joint release with the national Justice Policy Institute, found that between 1985 and 2000 in Ohio, corrections spending grew 5.5 times faster than spending on higher education spending. At the report’s release, more black men were in prison (23,200) than in college (20,074) in Ohio. At the same time, Ohio had the tenth largest tuition in the country.
Ohio's Spending Priorities Criticized Toledo Blade, August 28, 2002
Prison Spending Outpaces Higher Ed Cincinnati Post, August 28, 02
New Report: Ohio prison Spending Grows Five Times Faster than Higher Education Spending City News August 28, 2002
Prison Spending Outpaces Colleges' Dayton Daily News, August 28, 02
Colleges Get Less Money than Prisons Columbus Dispatch, August 28, 02
Study Finds Big Increase in Black Men as Inmates Since 1980 New York Times, August 28, 02
Ohio's Policy Wastes Money and Lives Plain Dealer, Blaine Griffin, September 20, 02
All that Cash for College -- Headed for Ohio's Prisons Akron Beacon Journal, Hanauer, September 15, 02
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