October 31, 2012
October 31, 2012
Impact of the 2012-2013 state budget (HB 153)
Ohio’s budget for 2012 and 2013 cut local government aid by a billion dollars. This means cuts in services we depend on, from road repair and emergency services to crossing guards, senior transportation and child protective services. What are the implications for Allen County?
The state cut the Local Government Fund to the county, forcing Allen County to make cuts to jurisdictions within the county. The state also cut direct funding to municipalities, and slashed reimbursements for taxes it had eliminated, taxes that businesses and utilities had paid to local governments. School districts and the public library fund were also cut. Losses in calendar years 2012 and 2013, compared to 2010 and 2011, include, among others:
Loss to health and human service levies
Notes and Quotes
“We can’t absorb more [budget cuts].” – Rhonda Eddy, Allen County Auditor.
“We're spreading it around as equally and fairly as possible…We've tried to keep it pretty much equal-opportunity misery.” – Allen County Commissioner Dan Reiff, regarding the county’s 2012 budget. From Rutz, Heather. “Allen commissioners approve budget.” The Lima News. January 11, 2012. http://tinyurl.com/8entvjp.
Overall, the 2012 county budget is $1.2 million less than 2011. County employees will see a 3.84% cut in salaries -- about $500,000 -- beginning in August. From Rutz, Heather. “Allen commissioners approve budget.” The Lime News. January 11, 2012. http://tinyurl.com/8entvjp.
Budget cuts for Motter Metro Parks at http://www.blufftonnews.com/look-development-strategy-motter-metro-park
NOTES: The current state budget cuts the Local Government Fund to counties, municipalities and townships by 25 percent in the first year and by 50 percent in the second year. This 77-year old state revenue sharing program has, for generations, been essential to helping Ohio communities fund schools, provide services, and lift people out of poverty. The current state budget also phases out most of the tangible personal property tax and public utility property tax reimbursements, which were promised to local governments when the state cut taxes in recent years. These are not the only losses to local governments because of this budget. There are others in specific programs. Here we detail some of the bigger shifts. Change in revenues shown here include:
The figures for changes in funding levels are based on data provided by and spreadsheets online at the Ohio Department of Taxation for local government funds and tax reimbursement distributions.
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