November 24, 2015
November 24, 2015
In guest appearances on public television and radio this past week, our director Amy Hanauer made the case for smart policies to help struggling families succeed and boost the economy.
Amy faced off with Greg Lawson of the right-wing Buckeye Institute on The State of Ohio, arguing for a higher minimum wage and against an onerous bill that would make it much harder for Ohioans to get unemployment insurance. The debate starts at about 4:20 into the television program on The Ohio Channel.
WCPN's Sound of Ideas also invited Amy to discuss poverty on today's show featuring Kathryn Edin, author of "$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America," and Linda Tirado, author of "Hand to Mouth." During the program, Amy pointed to policies that could make life better for many families, including a higher minimum wage, improved child-care assistance, better public transit and continuation of federal tax credits for low-wage working families.
She urged Ohio listeners to call Sen. Rob Portman and ask him to support making permanent key provisions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit (Sen. Sherrod Brown has already pledged support).
Contact Portman at 1-800-205-6446 and remind him that these two programs encourage work, help families make ends meet and boost the economy.
Amy found common ground with Lawson of the Buckeye Institute, who agreed that Congress should continue the expanded EITC.
We’re thankful for vigorous debate, policies that help working families and occasional areas of agreement.
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