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Policy Matters Ohio

Costly Tax Cuts Won’t Keep People in Ohio

August 04, 2011

Costly Tax Cuts Won’t Keep People in Ohio

August 04, 2011

Cutting state taxes is unlikely to affect residents’ decisions to stay in or leave Ohio, but will cost the state resources it needs to create the highly-educated workforce, quality infrastructure, and safe communities that form the building blocks of a strong economy. That is the conclusion of an August 2011 report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities that busts a common myth advanced by proponents of cutting taxes. Americans move from state to state for a variety of reasons, but tax levels rarely factor into such decisions.

Full Report

Press Release

'Report Busts Migration Myth: Cutting Taxes Won’t Keep Buckeyes in Ohio'


2011Revenue & BudgetSustainable CommunitiesTax ExpendituresTax PolicyZach Schiller

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