July 22, 2013
July 22, 2013
Download fact sheetDownload slide presentationUse the 2014 Ohio Free Tax Services MapOhio CASH stands for Creating Assets, Savings and Hope, and is a project of Policy Matters Ohio.
Who we are
With partners, we do research and outreach to protect consumers, increase income, and help people build savings and assets. Our goal is to improve the financial and economic conditions for low- and moderate-income families and communities. Only by helping families build, save and protect their income can we end the cycle of poverty.
Social service organizations, housing counseling groups, faith-based organizations, free tax preparation coalitions, financial institutions, and others are members of the Ohio CASH coalition.
What we do
Ohio CASH provides capacity building and training, financial education, and research on a host of issues. The resources we offer include:
Contact us
Please direct all questions to Kalitha Williams, policy liaison and asset-building project coordinator - 614.221.45051 of 22