Here is a sample of what people are saying about Policy Matters Ohio...
"Ohio’s workers and middle class have a champion in Policy Matters. Its research shows a clear path to building an Ohio economy that works for everyone."
Sherrod Brown, U.S. Senator
"We share the vision for a more equitable and inclusive Ohio that drives Policy Matters. Their research illuminates policies that help Ohio families earn, save and build assets."
Marsha Mockabee, President & CEO
Urban League of Greater Cleveland
"I first learned of the idea for SharedWork Ohio from Policy Matters, and they worked closely with me and others to make it a reality. It’s a win for Ohio’s companies and workers, and will prevent the drag on our economy that happens when people fall out of the workforce and have to be retrained."
State Rep. Mike Duffey
"The research Policy Matters does runs the gamut from ensuring voting rights to smart tax policy. Their progressive voice really does matter in Ohio."
Nina Turner
Former State Senator
"The rigor with which Policy Matters approaches its research is always impressive. Their influence on the debate is extraordinary and they help human service advocates and policy makers bring about positive changes for the neediest Ohioans."
Marcia Egbert, Senior Program Officer
The George Gund Foundation
"United Way is pleased to be an advocacy and funding partner with Policy Matters Ohio. Their leadership to establish and expand refundable Earned Income Tax Credits at the state and national level is key to supporting vulnerable families and expanding opportunity for low-income working Ohioans."
Margaret Hulbert, Vice President
Strategic Resources & Public Policy, United Way of Greater Cincinnati
"Policy Matters Ohio is unique in our state. Their careful and thorough research allows them to be a leading voice for progressive values; policymakers from both sides of the aisle pay attention."
Ray Miller, Editor
The Columbus African American News Journal
Former state legislator
"The ongoing research and support Policy Matters has provided around Ohio’s renewable energy standards has helped advocates make the case for a more sustainable approach to energy, which is vital to Ohio’s future."
Mark Shanahan, Principal
New Morning Energy LLC
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