Posted on 10/06/16 by Victoria Jackson in Education & Training
Art often grapples with issues affecting society, so it is no surprise that the theme of student debt is now making its way into music and other art.
References to college financing in art help show how pervasive the burden of student debt is in the United States. More than 40 million Americans have student loans totaling nearly $1.4 trillion. It is now the second largest form of personal debt. The 67 percent of Ohioans who borrow for their education have the 12th highest average debt load in the nation at $29,353.
To discuss the distressing student debt crisis, 934 Gallery in... read more
Posted on 08/31/16 in Education & Training
Drug company ads are required to include a long list of possible side effects. Investment firm advertising includes disclaimers warning investors of risks.
Many products and services are required to provide information to help consumers make... read more
Posted on 04/27/16 in Education & Training
In this year’s State of the State, Ohio Governor John Kasich honored Margo Hudson, an adult literacy tutor from Cleveland who earned her GED on her sixth try in 2012. Margo is a lifelong learner... read more
Posted on 12/23/15 by Wendy Patton in Education & Training
Ohio is underinvesting in higher education. We’re behind where we were during the recession, adjusting for inflation. We have not put enough into classroom instruction and operations. We spend $309 million less in this budget... read more