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Policy Matters Ohio

Outbreak in Ohio: Cost of the 2008 Norovirus Incident in Kent

August 13, 2008

Outbreak in Ohio: Cost of the 2008 Norovirus Incident in Kent

August 13, 2008

When more than 500 people in Kent, Ohio got a gastrointestinal virus last April, the community incurred substantial costs. Like most Ohio restaurants, the Chipotle restaurant where nearly all of the victims caught norovirus didn't provide paid sick days. This report takes a look at the costs of this virus, which might have been averted if the sick workers had been able to stay home.

Press Release

Executive Summary

Full Report


Read our report - Paid Sick Days: Voices from Ohio

Read our report - A Healthy Standard: Paid Sick Days in Ohio


2008State of Working OhioWork & Wages

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