Posted on 10/06/22 by Amanda Woodrum in Clean Energy + Green Jobs
Recommendations for Ohio’s new Appalachian Community Grant Program
Over the past century, the Appalachia region of Ohio helped fuel the prosperity of the nation. I mean that literally. Natural resources from the Ohio River Valley states of Appalachia, including Ohio, powered the industrial revolution in this country. However, having long been exploited by absentee corporations in the extractive industry, the region itself remains in poverty, with its lands damaged, and many of its workers and residents left sick.
A new development strategy and vision for Appalachia is long overdue — one that is good for workers, communities and the environment. One that... read more
Posted on 06/16/22 by Amanda Woodrum in Local Sustainability
Our homes should be our safe place, where we know we can keep ourselves and our loved ones free from harm. But throughout Ohio this week, people had to leave their homes to find relief... read more
Posted on 02/11/22 by Amanda Woodrum in Clean Energy + Green Jobs
Bishop Marcia Dinkins leads the charge with first-ever BLAC paper
For most of the last century, the people of Appalachia’s Ohio River Valley powered the prosperity of this nation. What you might not know — because... read more
Posted on 02/10/21 by Amanda Woodrum in Health & Health Equity
COVID-19 exposed existing flaws in our economic and health care systems by taking a disproportionate toll on Black and low-income Ohioans. This is due to the increased prevalence of chronic health conditions in these communities... read more